My dog has been throwing up a LOT lately. I took him to the vet yesterday, and she thought the throwing up was bacause he's been biting himself due to allergies, and ingesting hair.
Well, I gave him the allergy meds, he stopped biting, but he's still throwing up.
He doesn't seem to be digesting his food. I'll feed him in the morning, and 8 hours later he'll throw up a huge pile of food. If I feed him again in the evening (even just a little bit), he'll wake me up to go outside and puke.
He's acting normal, and eveything else seems fine, but after reading some answers on here, I'm now worried.
What could it be? what should I do?
I'm calling the vet again tomorrow - what should I ask? Any ideas?
he's losing weight pretty rapidly...
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
It could definitely be a blockage.
Take it back to the vet for x-rays ASAP.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Ask for x-rays. I'm worried about obstruction. If he's been chewing his hair and swallowing it, that could cause an obstruction. Does he keep water down?
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
take him to a different vet.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
ask your vet to just try soft dog food to see if that will help him?
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Are his allergies food related? Maybe he's rejecting the food. Make sure he's getting water and tell the vet you're concerned about the weight loss.
Good luck!
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
too many possiblities, I would talk to your vet just tell him everything you know about what is going on, they can run tests and see why this is happening.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
You need a new vet.. That's a ridiculous diagnosis.. Throwing up due to hair from chewing??
The food isn't being digested, You need to find out why.. Is it blocked, and it can't get down to be digested? Is he eating too fast? The fact that he is losing weight suggests that most of the food isn't getting thru to his stomach.. You need a new vet.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
This doesn't sound good and if your vet is a good one they should have done tests and not blamed it on hair! My dog of 10yrs did the same. I had to get him put down it was so bad. I believe he may have ingested something that was blocking his intestines and food couldn't pass but he was too old to survive surgeries. Your dog may have something blocking his intestine, kidney failure, or could be infection. Call the vet and if they don't do anything better get another vet asp. Good Luck!
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
For one whats his age?
If year or under and no puppy shots, get a parvo test done. It's very serious, causes the dog to lose weight fast, throw up, become dyhrated, and happens with in a few days, fast to turn for the worst and never has a dog lasted a week with out treatment.
They may act normal for a few days while throwing up but can suddenly over night become weak and not very responsive.
I lost a good pup to it and al my dog s got it at an early age.
Have him tested for it. Best to be safe than sorry
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Check your dog's food ingredients. I normally don't advocate expensive foods, but if the food you're using has a lot of grains (corn and other fillers) then you may need to step up to something more high-end. Dogs can't digest corn and other grains. If your dog is not getting the food past his stomach it may be because he's blocked.
I don't think it would be something lodged in his throat, if he's holding the food down for 8 hours. It sounds to me like it's not getting past the small intestine.
Ask the vet about the food. Possibly x-rays. Also ask if there are any viruses going around your local pet community. He could've just caught a bug.
Good luck!
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
I would go back to the vet and ask for an x-ray. He may have swallowed something. My Schnauzer, Chloe, did this when she swallowed a pin. I do not know why or how she did it, but she started with throwing up, then stopped eating, then couldn't sit! I don't own any needles or pins; so you might have never guessed he ate something.
It may also be internal. X-rays are also needed in this case.
Is he on any medicine before he started to throw up? Like heart-worm preventative or de-wormer? These are possible causes.
He may also have eaten something poisonous, like rat poison or fertilizer?
Try giving him canned food or plain canned pumpkin just to get him to eat. The vets can give him fluids, because he also loses some water when he regurgitates not to mention all of his food.
Best of luck! Ask your vet to do x-rays and ask if there are any other possibilities. Have them do some blood tests for any possible diseases or illnesses. So sorry for your doggie!
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Sounds like he has a obstruction.Has he been chewing on something that might get caught in his stomach?Go to a different vet.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
My Rott had this and the vet never did figure it out either.. She was fine other then throwing up totally undigested food and the vomit had the most horrible smell. I took her off all dog food and for 4 days she ate boiled chicken and rice twice a day and she soon came out of it. We never did figure out what was wrong with her either. Since your really worried it wouldn't hurt too just go to a second vet for a second opinion. Better safe then sorry.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Hi Ryan.. I also have a dog.. He had as sick like that before.. I just gave my dog a spoonful of brown sugar or a honey.. The dog must take the sugar/honey.. You shud use a spoon to be able to put the brown sugar or honey on the mouth of the dog.. Remember, you are holding his mouth.. Be careful.. He might be moving while you are putting the sugar/honey on the mouth, the sugar/honey might be wasted..
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
Hi Ryan,
As a Veterinary technician that works emergency, I would urge you to see or consult a veterinary emergency service in your area tonight - don't wait until tomorrow. Often times when a dog is fed after vomiting, they will continue to vomit. They may not feel quite normal but want to eat as we would in that situation. "We consider that it may not be wise yet" where "they do not consider things". So... my recommendations would be... No food and water and call the vet asap!
Unfortuately, a medical personal cannot give you ideas of treatment over the phone (much that is) without a doctors examination.
The examination and consultation with you can help to rule out problems. Also the veterinarian will physically exam the pet and give you recommendations to furthur persue a diagnostic workup. The doctor may have some ideas of "why" your pet is sick but definately at this point, blood work and x rays would be recommended. Bloodwork will give an insight of how the internal organs are functioning as a result of the body's stresses or what may be causing the problems.
It is difficult, if not impossible to find out what is wrong by discussing it with the vet, however alot can be concluded after an examination.
You didn't mention the age of your pet. Very young and older dogs should be seen very soon when getting sick.
Please call a emergency veterinary hospital and let them know the situation. Ask for their recommendations if you are unsure as to whether you should go in asap or wait till seeing your veterinarian tomorrow. 24hr hospitals are there to ease your conserns.
Just one more thing... most daytime veterinarians do not feel they can give attentive care or don't have someone overnight if your pet is hospitalized whereas 24hr facilities do.
My dog keeps throwing up. Not digesting food. Help???
First of all the dog needs to go back to the vet asap. It could be as simple as the food is just not agreeing with him. He may need a better dog food. Try Natural Balance. It could also be that he has a virus and needs antibiotics. He could have worms which can cause weight loss. Does your dog have all the shots required? Parvo causes vomiting and rapid weight loss. I hope your dog recovers quickly! Stop feeding the dog dog food and give the dog chicken broth, boiled chicken and rice only. This is more bland and easily digested. My vet always recommends this when vomiting occurs. Start with broth and if he holds that down, add rice and chicken.
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