Friday, November 27, 2009

Is my dog pure maltese?

I have a dog given to me by a friend and it has papers registered that its a maltese but its color has black patch on his left eye and black hair color on his right ear... My friend says maltese is a party color meaning it has many colors.. but as i've read everywhere maltese is pure white? and this puppy has papers registered as maltese... what do you think?

Is my dog pure maltese?

What organization are the papers with? The AKC does not recognize parti Malteses. Only pure white, and pure white with a little tan, the latter of which is not desirable.

There are many registries that will register any dog, such as the Continental Kennel Club. These are not reputable.

Whatever the case, love your dog, I'm sure she's very sweet.

Is my dog pure maltese?

i would have to have a picture to be sure. i worked at a shelter and saw a few dogs that the people said they have papers. so i looked up the papers on the dogs and found out the dogs were no where to be found. some one did all the paper work on thier computer.

Is my dog pure maltese?

this is what I found for u, i don't think ur friend is correct about the multicolor i got this from the akc site....

Coat and Color

The coat is single, that is, without undercoat. It hangs long, flat, and silky over the sides of the body almost, if not quite, to the ground. The long head-hair may be tied up in a topknot or it may be left hanging. Any suggestion of kinkiness, curliness, or woolly texture is objectionable. Color, pure white. Light tan or lemon on the ears is permissible, but not desirable.

Is my dog pure maltese?

Well there are no pure breeds of any dogs.

They may have been bred as maltese for many generations so they have papers but old basic dog genes still show up from time to time but they only want to show the ones that are truest to the standards.

Inbreeding of animals has weakened the gene pool for many animals.

Why must some people make such a big thing of having a pure bred animal. After all a dog is a dog. If it's what you want go for it.

Is my dog pure maltese?

if its genuine and its got papers the colour could be a throw back to its grandparents on the other hand it could be the result of the mother being caught by another not of the same breed

Is my dog pure maltese?

Malteses are mainly white. The mom might have been accidently breed to another dog and a maltese. You never know .

Is my dog pure maltese?

It's hard to tell, but I have a maltese myself, and it is pure white with just a little tan on it's face. All the purebred maltese's I've seen have no black mixed in. Look at the bright side....the dog was given to you, you didn't pay lots of money for it! Just give it lots of love like you would any other dog! It'll return that love 1000 times over!

Is my dog pure maltese?

well... I have a feeling it is kinda like party yorkies... they have done dna testing and they proved they are purebred so now they can be registered... but they can't show. That may happen w/ parti maltese.... but it comes from breeders in the background that didn't know what they are doing. W/ maltese you are trying to breed from black "points"... nose... eyeliner look... and sometimes their skin will have black spots instead of pink.... because of that... but it should never be on their actual hair... however if you don't know what you are doing... you can get that... it just isn't what you want... what is recognized.... and I think parti is a made up word to make them more acceptable to people who don't know what they are looking

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