Friday, November 27, 2009

My dog pees everywhere when nervous?

I have a 4 year old Husky mix, he's a really sweet dog. He used to always pee when strangers would come to the house, (no one has ever hurt him or has done anything to scary him) all of a sudden i couple months ago he started peeing when you picked his hair (getts clumps of hair that stick out) he pees when you clip his nails, or ever get the nail clippers and walk towards him. He pees when he gets excited if your just playing with him he does it. After he pees he usually licks himself and looks like he knows not to do it but does it anyway. He has gone to a groomer to get his nails done could that effect it? What can I don to help him stop? Thanks

My dog pees everywhere when nervous?

Sounds like submissive/excitement urination. Please see the links for more information.

My dog pees everywhere when nervous?

ask the vet

My dog pees everywhere when nervous?

How old is he?

Dogs bowels get weaker as they grow older so it could just be that his/hers bowels are getting weaker so he cant (hold it).

My dog pees everywhere when nervous?

mine does tooo

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