Saturday, November 28, 2009

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

I was looking after my Friends Dog for 3 Monhts,now He likes it here better then at home,he looses lot of Hair,and I have a hard time to get hem to bu Food for his Dog,what would you do?

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

adopt the dog officialy ,then you can say that your dog is living in your house ,

this is normal

or be reall mean to the dog and it wont want to come back any more ,but that is mean

start brushing the dog ,if you do that it wont loose so much hair

and give it some oil in its food and less hair will fall out

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

I forgot to tell ya' the other day the door was left open and,....

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

If you feel that you've grown attached to the dog and can give it a better home, I would gently suggest to your friend that you've really grown to love the dog and ask if you can keep it.

If you want it, go for it! Good luck.

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

if your friend doesn't buy food for his dog it is no wonder he likes living with you better.

decide if you want a dog. if yes, keep the dog and pay for the food yourself. if no, then tell your friend you are going to find a good home for the dog where they will feed him regularly.

then get a new friend.

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

What kind of friend asks this of another friend? What kind of responsible pet owner ships his dog off to someone else for 3 months? I say, if you like the dog, keep it and find a new friend.

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

just tell him to take care of his dog or you'll take it to the shelter!! if he really loves his dog, he'd want him to eat!! i am glad to hear some one is concern for the dogs welfare!! the owner isn't!!!

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

well heres what I would do contact your friend and tell him that you cannot take care of his animal anymore and ask if there are any arrangements you can make for him such as taking him to a sheltor and he'll be adopted to a good home if he is unwilling to work with you then I would just do what you feel best is right

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

if you love the dog ask to keep it, if not take it to the spca so it will get feed...phil

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

tell your friend that he is responsible for the cat! If he doesn't want the dog and you don't want the dog either then. You should put up ads for finding a good home, animals need food, love and mostly friendship!

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

Tell the owner stright forward like so that the problem can be fixed or you can fix the problem your self.

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

well he is most likely attached too you now .aww are you attached too him too. aww ask if you can keep him it sounds like your friend really dont want him that bad he left him with you for 3 months ask if you can keep him then hes your dog ! good luck!

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

It sounds like your friend is not to interested in his dog. Suggest to your friend that you feel the dog is either better off with you or look for a good shelter for the dog.

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

I would tell them that if they won't pay for the food for the dog, then they will have exactly one week to come take the dog back. After that, you will "take the dog to the pound." (Please don't actually do this--find a new home for it or take it to a no-kill shelter.) This dog is not your responsibility, it is theirs.

The best way to take care of shedding is to brush the dog regularly, even daily. My dog sheds a lot and this is the only way to defeat it!

I have a Problem,my Friends Dog is living in m House,what should I do?

no affense, but you need more information. your friend isnt that responsible if she wanted u take care of it for 3 months. you have to be strait with this friend and tell her the truth

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