ok my dog has fleas super super bad they even are landing on me all the time. i am having a hard time with money right now and i cannot afford to take her to the vet until next month when i get my check. but the problem is that the fleas are so bad that she bites at herself. she bleeding and has like no hair on her back half of her body. i worry about hurting her so i have not tried anything but bathing her. i heard to bath her with dawn dish soap....they said it would kill the fleas. my question is do you think dawn will work? and also do you guys have any ideas? thank you so much for your time
Need help dog has fleas?
i know it works not only from experience with my own dogs but i also heard it just last week when i had to take my dog to the vet for another reason. they do it too. dawn is good. vaccuum your house, couch and all. consider a flea powder for carpet if you have it. Be careful about the bleeding - he may be allergc to fleas like mine is. i had to give him benadryl for 2 weeks until he healed because he wouldnt stop scratching.
Dawn = good flea wash
Benadryl = stop the allergic reaction and incessant itchiness.
Need help dog has fleas?
dawn will kill the fleas but they are still in your home and yard and will get back on her so she needs ongoing treatment, how could you allow them to get so bad shes losing her hair and bleeding before you seek treatment?? when you do get your check got o the vet mine recommended capstar pill once a week and frontline once a month and its working quite well, but you will have to clean up the house completely, or if its an outside dog its pen and area will have to be cleaned of fleas and treated to keep them off.
Need help dog has fleas?
I don't know if Dawn actually kills fleas but do know that Pert shampoo (for humans) works. You need to help your poor dog. She will be developing infections and then your Vet bills will really climb. She probably already has tape worms from ingesting fleas as she bites at them. You are going to have to treat the house too or she will just get them again and they will dine on any and all humans in the house as well.
Need help dog has fleas?
Try lavander soap...I've heard that works best. Also those spots missing hair might be "hot spots" my dog had them. The vet said she had a flee alergy *who doens't?* and I had to give oral antibiotics and a spray which numbed the spot from itching/hurting. They lick and bite at it until it's inflamed. It was a 200+ dollar vet bill and the hair never grew back right. I hope that isn't the case with you though!
Need help dog has fleas?
i dont know about dawn, but pine sole works, as does WD-40. with the WD, just spray it along the spine and let it set. Also, if you have any rosemary, you can add 1 cup of rosemary to 4 cups of boiling water, cover and steep until cool, then strain it. wash your pet and rinse well, then pour the rosemary liquid over your pet and let it dry.
Need help dog has fleas?
You can't borrow a measly 2 dollars and 50 cents for a treatment? You do not have to have a 'check' or wait a month to help your dog. IF you can afford the friggin internet to post this question then you darn well should be able to afford some frontline. It is NOT expensive. Go to the vets office and tell them you need a CAPSTAR to get rid of the fleas with in 24 hours and buy some frontline. All you will need is to tell them the weight of your dog. Capstar is only a couple of bucks.
This is flat out cruel to let this dog suffer with so many fleas and you will end up with MUCH bigger problems if you don't get it taken care of. Get this dog some help NOW.
You will need to wash bedding and sweep daily to rid the house or maybe flea bomb. You can use Mule Team 20 Borax on the carpet also. Just sprinkle it on like carpet fresh and sweep the next morning.
FORGET the dawn dish soap. You need the Frontline and your dog will need natural oils on her skin in order for it to work properly so she should not be bathed for at least 3 days prior to putting it on her.
I CAN NOT belive someone is suggesting for you to put WD 40 on your dog. IGNORANT! Do NOT listen to that person.
Obviously just another idiot who doesn't give a shlt about their animals. DISGUSTING!
Need help dog has fleas?
The first treatment you will want to try to get rid of fleas immediately is a bath in soap and water. Soap in lukewarm water acts as an insecticide, actually. In fact, they are technically referred to within the gardening and pest control industries as 閳ユ笅nsecticidal soaps.閳?Some people have come to believe (for whatever reason) that bathing your pet as a means of flea control is ineffective. This isn閳ユ獩 true; the fatty acids in soaps will kill fleas just as fast as any synthetic insecticide. However, you should not rely entirely on baths to control fleas, especially if you閳ユ獧e dealing with puppies.
Flea dips are your next step to get rid of fleas after a bath in soap and warm water. Many dips use an active ingredient called pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are the active ingredient found in the natural insecticide, Pyrethrum. Pyrethrins are only different because they an extract, or a concentrated form of pyrethrum. They are considered one of the most effective and least toxic insecticides on the market, which explains their extensive use in pet flea control products, with the exception of flea products for cats; cats are extremely sensitive to pyrethrins. Pyrethrin-based flea dips, on the other hand, are also convenient because they quickly cover the entire pet. Adam's makes a good Pyrethrin-based flea dip.
If a flea dip isn閳ユ獩 effective at getting rid of fleas or you prefer not to use pyrethrins, you may want to consider a linalool/d-limonene spray. Linalool and d-limonene are extracts from citrus peels, and they happen to be very effective insecticidal flea treatments. They are mostly sold in sprays, and as I mentioned in the sidebar to the left, products that contain both linalool and d-limonene will kill fleas in all stages of development, including the eggs. These sprays should be applied to the whole animal, but try to keep it out of their eyes, nose, and mouth. You may also use linalool/d-limonene products as bedding treatments to kill any larva, pupa, eggs, or adult fleas hiding in your pet閳ユ獨 bedding.
Use a kind of spray, or raid for fleas to kill them in your carpet. That will help out a lot!
Need help dog has fleas?
Only shampoo to bother with - Adams flea and tick _ follow directions. Only flea drops - Advantage, Advantix, Frontline - I know they are expensive but take it from me - Don't spend your money in the cheaper Hartz, Zodiac stuff. It sux but they just don't work. Pay the money on the GOOD drops but the last resort when money and fleas are concerned - Adams shampoo ( blue plastic shampoo bottle )and follow direction Remember next May you will need to take out a loan for the drops, but, drops and money vs. baths - no brain er - drops. I hate washing my Doberman every weekend to have moderate control at best.My weekend time is far more valuable in the summer.
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