Friday, November 27, 2009

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

I have a 18 week old dog and she can't seem to stop tearing everything in the house up. Shes a German Short Hair pointer, and she can't understand the concpt of going potty outside either. I always love her, and take care of her, play with her, but I can't figure out why shes out of control... PLEASE HELP

and by the way, I always make her feel good when shes ACTAULLY a good dog.

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

Use a crate when you can not supervise your dog. Correct her when she chews anything unappropriate and give toys to chew after correcting.

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

Take her for at least a 45 min walk a day. She sounds bored like she need to get out some pent up energy. Try a doggy backpack too :-)

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

its going to take a while for your puppy to stop if shes any thing like the dog i had. not even toys i brought would work.then one day she finally stoped.just make sure your electrical cords are hidden a way.

my dog bit in to one but she was ok.

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

get a a"kong" toy they have a hole in them and you can put food in there and they usually fight to get that. It helps alot you can get one at any pet store, if not get " bitter apple" spray it on whatever she chews she wont do it anymore

good luck

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

I suggest making her go to the bathroom on a regular schedule. Let's say you put her outside ever 30 minutes that you are home. Definetly crate train your dog. And pick up important things that you don't want ruined by her. They do grow out of the chewing stage, but you have to still be careful.

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

what you should do is when you are out doing your bussiness you should put her into a dog crate so she doesent get into anything she is not suppose to do and then when you get home from wherever you were at take her out and congrate her for being so good and then let her out so she can do her bussiness...if this doesnt help then you should call your vet and see what he would suggest you should do for her little problem...hope this helps and good luck...

~caring dog owner~

Dog tears anything in site up! Please help!?

that's good that you take care of her, but she's still a pup, so she will have accidents and she has tons of energy so she tears things up.

our lab is about 11 months old and still ransacks the house on a daily basis.

we buy TONS of toys for him to shred. we buy stuffed animals, bones, kongs, tire pieces, paper towel rolls, tennis balls, old shoes, etc....

my husband gets frustrated b/c he makes a mess with all the shredding, but i tell him "at least he shreds his toys and not the furniture!!!"

we buy most of his bones at petsmart. they have a whole aisle of good bones (not rawhide) for doggies.

as far as potty training...have you tried crate training?? we crate trained our pup and it worked really well.

also, if you go to petsmart they have trainers there that are more than happy to give you some free advice.

take care and have fun with your pup. i'm sure she'll calm down in a year or 2:)

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