She's a Lab and Boxer mix. She is 5 months old. I caught her humping my son yesterday. She started growing hair on her tummy. And she's licking 'herself' alot. Is she in heat? If she is... when should I expect the bleeding and since she's an indoor dog, how do I not get it on the carpet?
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
I also have a female Lab/Boxer 5 month old puppy. She's been doing the same things your dog has been doing, though my dog was spayed by the rescue organization we got her from. We chalk it up to dominance and hormonal issues.
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
no this is a dominice issue she is trying to make it known she is trying to be the boss so you need to put her in her place and let her know you are the boss
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
she probably is in heat. are you going to breed her??? if not you need to have her spayed or you will have a mess on your furniture and carpet. you can put a pair of ladies underwear on her and cut a hole for the tail. that should absorb the spotting good enough or i would check for something at pet-co.
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
possibly, but I think it is just changing hormones.
Get her spayed is the best. Call your vet.
If you won't get her spayed, a pet store or vet will be able to answer you questions about heat and pet stores sell these stupid looking doggie diapers for females in heat. Also keep her confined in an area that is easy to clean--maybe the bathroom? Go to your public library and get some good dog books. Good Luck!
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
she is at a age she could be in heat, but you also can still get her spayed ven if she is in heat and you need to do so please..
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
everything has been addressed except what to do about the mess.
1. buy an athletic support (jock strap) smallest size available.
2. cut a small hole in the cup (proper size and location to fit her tail through the hole).
3. buy a package of sanitary napkins
4. cut pad to fit WITHIN the cup of the jock strap.
5. NOW, I will answer the question of where to cut hole. put the jock strap on your dog (do not cut the hole) with the waist of the support around her waist. try it with the small straps on top (on her back) and with the small straps on bottom (undedr her belly). you will, probably find the small straps on top will give you the best coverage. when you have determined which way the support goes take a marker and put a mark on the cup where you want the hole to be.
6. place one of the pads in the cup (trim to fit-making sure it all stays in the cup) and the sticky will enable it to stay in the cup
7. at the first sign (or before if you're concerned) put the support on her.
I have never had this fail to protect the dog-even when she and the male are trying to get around/over/under/etc. the jock strap.
It protects the furniture/carpet/bed/etc. from the discharge.
If you're haveing a problem with herwetting the house while you're gone this will work for that also (hopefully, depending on amount of urine)
If you know you're never going to have pups then spay. If the juries still out then this gives you another option.
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
1) Strongly recommend you get her spayed, as it is very hard to find homes for mixed breed puppies, and millions of animals are put to sleep every year because there are no homes for them.
2) Five months is a bit young for a first heat. Suggest you take her to the vet and have her checked, and if she's not in heat, make an appointment to get her spayed.
3) If she is in heat, others have made very good suggestions on how to deal with the discharge. You can buy special diapers, but I like the sound of the jock strap. I bought a doggie diaper for my male dog to keep him from licking himself after he'd been neutered, but it had a velcro closure to it, and he managed to tear it off! He also seemed to find it very uncomfortable to wear.
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
humping is the dog trying to prove her dominance. All dogs do it if they are more dominant. People they live with, either human or dog are part of the pack.
First time dog owner, is she in heat?
She might not be going into heat. Hormone development can cause the humping instinct. Obviously, dont let her do it, break that habit now.
However, the licking may be an indication that she is. Watching for swelling in that general "area." You'll notice when you see it.
If you dont plan on breeding her, get her fixed as soon as possible and avoid the mess altogether. If not, I know you can buy doggie diapers and sanitary products for that use at pet supply stores. I personally have never used them so I'm not sure how well they work. I have all hardwood floors so I bought a good floor cleaner, and followed her around the house. Its a pain, and if you're not breeding her, not worth it.
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