first dog i have ever owned since i have lived on my own. me and my husband have 4 kids and we got this dog from a friends co-worker who is moving and couldent keep him. he is 2 years old realy mellow chawawa any ways my question is i am alergic to dogs and it is killing me my eyes hurt my throat hurts, is it just cuz he is shedding that it is bothering me so much? is he shedding cuz he is loosing his winter coat? is there anything to use on them that prevents so much hair from falling out?
I just got this dog....?
The dog hair is not what you're allergic to, it's the dander. Try bathing him %26amp; then put a little Downy fabric softener liquid in a bucket of water %26amp; use it as the final rinse. I got this from someone who's kid was allergic. The Downy either stops them from shedding the dander or maybe it weighs it down so it doesn't hover in the air. Anyway, she said it worked though not 100%. Hope this helps with your chihuahua problem.
I just got this dog....?
A large number of people are allergic to dogs, however may not even know it. I grew up around horses and never had a problem, however since moving and only encountering horses every once in a while, I find I start sneezing. Give it time, perhaps your body simply needs time to adjust. Report It
I just got this dog....?
Give him a shampoo, and brush him daily. In time you might find that you'll get more used to him, allergy wise?
I just got this dog....?
You brought a dog into your house knowing you're allergic? Duh... Benadryl will help control your allergy symptoms.
I just got this dog....?
Why would you get a dog when you know you are allergic to dogs? Most Chihuahua dogs are kept indoors because of their size and as such, do not have an actual shedding time. That is to say most indoor dogs shed all the time. It is usually dog dander people are allergic to, not hair. There are products out to shampoo your dog in that will lessen the effects of the dander. Check with your vet or groomer. Daily brushing will get rid of hair. Good luck with your situation.
I just got this dog....?
Don't listen to Percival Frumplebottom he/she is a jerk
Well there is something called a shed brush that gets under and over coats so the dog does not shed as much..
And you could take allergy medecine
I just got this dog....?
My husband developed allergies to our dog. We kept the dog out of the bedroom, so hubby could have a neutral zone, washed/raked him regularly and got a hepa filter for the home to cut down the dander in the air.
I just got this dog....?
it sounds like your alergic! you will get used to it over time! my mom was alergic to cats and we have one. she got over it in less then a year! good luck! he is sheding because he is losing his winder coat! good luck!
I just got this dog....?
Just put him down.
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