My dog has started licking her rear and tail area this morning, now all the hair from that area have come out, completely bald area. What causes this and what can I do to fix it??
Hair loss!?!?
Many things can cause hair loss the most obvious would be allergies, mange, fleas, and something as simple as shampoo not being rinsed off after a bath. you should take your dog to a vet and figure out what exactly is causing the hair loss. some dongs can also have anxiety issues and chew themselves because of that.
Hair loss!?!?
Depends on why she is licking. Fleas like to hang out on the butt and tail area. Anal sacs could be full and painful. If it's fleas, use Advantage or Frontline and if it's anal sacs, have a groomer or vet express them.
Hair loss!?!?
see your vet as soon as you can. many things can cause this reaction and it can spread. hope it is just fleas.
Hair loss!?!?
Your dog might neeed it's anal glands expressed. Take them to any pet groomer and have this done immediately, your dog will thank you for it. If it becomes compacted it could be fatal for your dog.
Hair loss!?!?
Can you say.... I need to take my dog to the vet?
Hair loss!?!?
It could be anything from allergies to hot spots, which hot spots is caused by flea or a type of dermatitis, that is misspelled. But your best is to have your vet check her out, pin point the problem, gave her the correct meds. We have a bc/chow mix that gets skin allergies, and is on meds off/on thru the year. Good Luck!
Hair loss!?!?
Probably a flea your vet just in case
Hair loss!?!?
something is obviosly irritating her, either fleas or she sat in a chemical of some sort. Take her to the vet and have him take a look.
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