Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can I stop my puppy from chewing on my hair?

I have an 11 week old mini schnauzer (an only dog) who cannot seem to stop chewing on my (or my husband's) hair.

Every time we sit down she jumps herself into a position to pull on our hair. I can't exactly get up to get her a more appropriate toy when she is tangled up in my hair!

Is there something I can use to make my hair an unattractive chew-toy?

How can I stop my puppy from chewing on my hair?

lol..... Don't let her get the chance first, but if she does, say "NO!" and put her down (or your husband) and give her something else to distract her.

How can I stop my puppy from chewing on my hair?

Now, this is too silly for words.

You don't let the pup chew on your hair, plain and simple.

Why would you let her do something that annoys you? Just don't let her.

How can I stop my puppy from chewing on my hair?

Slow Way:

If you are the pack leader, and you say no, that should be enough. Be firm, you need to startle her a little. A high pitched "OUCH" or "NO" will do the trick. When she stops, praise her. Do it consistently, and she will learn. This is how I teach my foster pups to not use their teeth in play. That is what their momma would do, yelp and push them away and then come lick and nuzzle them when they stop.

Quick Way:

Put a little hot sauce in a spray bottle with water, or buy some stuff called "Bitter Apple Spray" (at your local pet store in the behavior or cleaning supplies aisle), spray your hair with it then sit down for a pull fest. Not the nicest way to do it, but she's get the idea. Oh yeah-Then wash your hair afterwards. It's not what I would do, and isn't really in my doggie ethics, but when it comes down to it, it will work.

I would try the slow way first. Patience is better then cleverness with dogs, and the slow way will teach her boundaries that are just good to have anyways.

How can I stop my puppy from chewing on my hair?

give him chew toys something to amuse his curiosity , and besides he's a pup what do you expect all pups try to learn how the world works and what it is imagine if you were a baby it's just like if you were a puppy except ur human thats the only difference

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