Hi guys! I have a 8 year old Maltese and he is neutered. Today, he kept panting a lot and didn't poop for the night I give him daily exercise (walks the dog 3-4 times a day and plays fetch with him) my house's temperature is not hot (about 78 F) and has rather a short hair. He never panted this much and he is also walking around the house a lot, and NOT shaking. I did some research to make my dog poop so I gave him dry and fiber food. I read a lot of answers from other posts with similar problems but I wanted to know if my situation is somewhat different. Thank you for your help! :-)
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
it is rather hot all over lately, and this can affect your dog, even indoors. One thing to do is to make sure he has access to fresh water all the time.
what comes to mind is when was his last check up? perhaps he is in need of a check up.
being that he has not pooped, and you have walked him, makes me ask if he is nauseous, or bloated. If he is either or both, please take him to the vet. also, if he is gagging or making raspy noises, straight to the vet.
if he is constipated, a raw egg, cottage cheese or veg. oil usually helps ,with lots of water. sometimes, even pumpkin in the can, like the Libbey's brand, is good. It's the kind your make pies with. a tablespoon or so is usually sufficient.
but please don't give him all of this at one time! or you may be sorry! give him a day or so, and if he still hasn't gone, and keeps panting, doesn't drink, take him to the vet.
also, I agree that it may be a mental thing, or a nervous thing. but I would check with your vet first to rule out the physical part to make sure he's ok. then clear the mental part. ok?
good luck!
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
When you feed high fiber and dry, they may need some extra moisture, try adding some olive oil or fish oil to the food.
My sister has two Maltese and she adds olive oil to their dry and it works regularly.
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
Pacing and panting can be a symptom of so many problems, and the ones that comes to mind are bloat, or blockage, both of which are deadly. I really think your dog needs to see a vet.
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
fiber food?? noooot good. dogs can't digest and use fiber efficiently cause they're carnivors. they're not omnivors like us humans.
maybe you should do more research about dog nutrition (do NOT go to pet food company websites for reliable sources). there was a great question asked about why someone gets a thumbs down everytime they recommend IAMS for other pet owners. there is many nutritonal information for dogs on that page. :)
but i think this is more behavioral than nutrition.
unusual panting (without heat and exercise ) usually means that your dog is bothered by something. He may be fixated or nervous or excited about something. what does he do before he goes into a panting frantic?
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
Take your dog for a check up at the vet, this is not his normal behaviour. It sounds as though something is really wrong.
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
maybe the dogs juss tired my dog does that all the time juss make sure you give them plenty of water
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
this problem is commen and the best way to solve it is let your dog drink plenty of water keep he or she supervised and well feed it is also and good idear to go to the vet if this problem persits
My dog is keep panting and walking a lot in the house?
How about some water? Give him lots of water, fresh and clean to drink. He's probably thirsty after all the dry food and exercise. You didn't mention water and it is a common problem in animal care, not enough fresh clean water. Otherwise take him to the vet!
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