Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open

i was givin 2 new puppy's from a women who said she cant take care of them 2 days ago, one of them has these spots of lost hair, with open sores ,some of the sqores are scabed over, i have giving her 2 baths sinch having her home and her coat feels will slimy i sparted the 2 dogs just incase the bigger of the 2 is doind it to her, both dogs have flees and a vet appment on the 2nd, but i'm willy worried abouth this, what cloud couse this, and is it in need of the extra cost of a emangy vet to see her or can it wrate till the second. the one dog that had this probulm is 7 weeks old and is 1/2 mountin cuw, and 1/2 wold/chow hybrid. the other puppy is 1/2 german shaperd, and 1/4 boxer, 1/4 pitbull. both dogs eat will and do not seem to be sick, neather dogs have had shots, or training and will be getting them on the 2nd and beyound, there both vert sweet and seem to get along plz, help me to find what is wrong with her and how it fix it. i cant aford the emangy vet unless there is no opt.

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

If the wounds are not oozing, actively bleeding, or have maggots in them they may be able to wait. Sooner is better, but you can't get in any sooner....keep them as clean as possible. Hydrogen peroxide and water is good for cleaning open wounds. Leave the scabs alone.

Mild dish soap, like Orginal Dawn is good for degreasing hair coats. Just don't use too much and don't get any in the wounds, it might sting a little.

Capstar is good at gettin rid of the fleas living on them, then treat them with a monthly flea control. You will also have to vacuum yuor house really well since fleas live in the carpets and floor cracks too.

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

Hello, GO TO THE VET. They are obviously sick. You don't have a choice.

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

Try zinc oxide

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

spots, sores and loss of hair sounds like some form of mage which has to be treated by a vet

bathing will only clean the other realm and can cause added pain to the pet in the areas of sores

without a doubt for the health and safety of animal - have medical care provider check it out

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

take them to a regular vet. we can't possibly know what you are describing without photos. a vet will know.

My new puppy has been loosing hair that feels like mealted plastic, and where the spots are are open spots.?

Call and reschedule with you vet or call another for a sooner apointment, your puppies can have mange, the reason they lady gave them to you is she couldn't take care of the problem they are having, she is giving you her problems too.. lady should have never had the pups to begin with.. Gee, how do the parents look? Sounds like it can have mange..

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