Saturday, November 28, 2009

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

Recently I notice my dog, Chiquita is getting a lot of bald spots in her body, she is losing most of her hair. She keeps itching and scratching herself a lot. She lost some weight not too much. She eats normal meals. She had puppies about 4 to 5 months ago. The puppies keep bitting her. Her skin is a bit pinkish because of the scrathing. What can I do from making her stop losing hair.

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

She needs to see a veterinarian. There are lots of things that could cause her to lose her hair -- parasites, allergies, nutritional problems, or autoimmune disease, to name a few. We here at Yahoo! Answers can neither diagnose nor treat your pet, please seek help from a professional that can.

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

You might want to have her checked out by your vet. She could have some kind of mange or other parasite. With the scratching she will get them infected and will need an antibiotic to clear it up.

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

it could be a type of mange, i would keep her away from the pups or as a matter afact get her and the pups checked out by a vet to give a skin diagnosis. My sis dog as bold spots and its because she has mange. That can kill a dog, though it takes awhile. But the pups i really concerned about. Their young so their more vunerable. Anyways take her to see the vet and try to keep her away from the pups until then. You still will want to get them checked out. but if theirs a chance they dont have it, you want to avoid them getting it.

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

First off, puppies should be weaned from their mothers at SIX weeks. Can you be more specific about the biting???

It sounds like your dog might have demodectic or sarcoptic mange. You need to have your dog evaluated by a vet so you can decide the proper course of action and medication. If not treated mange can become quite serious and even life-threatening.

What can I do to make my dog from getting bald spots???

there is this bottle of little yellow stuff at wallmart taht helps i used it on my g/f dogs and he is all better

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