Friday, November 27, 2009

Why do some schitzu's have straight hair and some kind of curly?

i have a schitzu puppy (1 yr old ) and her hair is very straight...before her, I had a male schitzu and his hair was kinda curly..does that have anything to do with the quality of the dog? what are the characteristics of a " good " schitzu?

Why do some schitzu's have straight hair and some kind of curly?

Not all dogs or shih tzus are going to be identical.

Why do some schitzu's have straight hair and some kind of curly?

I owned a Shih Tzu. Their hair is supposed to be straight and flowing. Check out and look at the breed standard. They have a picture there too of what they are supposed to look like.

Why do some schitzu's have straight hair and some kind of curly?

Genetics - just like humans some have straight hair others curly / wavy etc...

a show shitzu / well bred one or akc/ ckc standards have straight flowing hair

Why do some schitzu's have straight hair and some kind of curly?

I have two shih tzus. The black and white one has really curly hair and the buff colored one just has wavy hair. I think that is just a natural variant in the breed.

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