Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

my dog never shuts up! sometimes he isnt barkin at anything inperticular he just stands there looks at nothin and barks constintly! i go out yell at him... it works for a few mins but then he starts it up again! he doesnt do it as much when he is inside mainly out side but if he doesnt want to be out then why doesnt he just come in thro the dog door? please help it is really fustrateing.... ive tried barking colors but his hair is so thick it insulates it... and i dont want to have to shave his neck now with it being cold and everything... and i feel kind-of guily when useing one of those... but if i have to then i will

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

Is he concentrating when he's barking? It could be a squirrel that you don't see, a cat you don't see... We often forget that a dog's voice is his bark. While I can understand your frustration with not being able to figure out the problem -a bark collar is stopping your pet from doing what he was born to do! Please don't try the citronella spray in his face, imo that is cruel - I wouldn't want that stuff sprayed in my face.

My first question would be, how old is he? My second question would be, is this doggie door a new thing for him? He may be unsure of the door - hence the reason he is staying away from it but barking. When you peer out at him to see why he's barking does he continue barking or does he come to the door then? My dogs command to stop barking is a simple "shhh" hard and short. But you need to be with them to ensure they aren't doing their job of protecting their territory.

If he feels he's protecting his territory against something he sees, then your yelling at him for barking will do NO good. Try distraction instead. Sweetly call him to you or walk out to where he is and look where he's looking. He may just be lonely and he's figured out that by barking you come running.

I wish I had more information to help you better than this. Try some distraction backed with positive reinforcement.

Happy Holidays!

My dog won't stop barking!?!?


My dog won't stop barking!?!?

Maybe it has a thorn in it's paw..

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

if you want your dog to stop barking start punishing him/her

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

have you tried the barking collars that shoot citronella spray into there nose? i understand they're pretty effective. but it sounds like your dog may want you to come outside and play. it's not that he wants to come in, he just wants you to go out and go for a walk or throw a ball. try it. see if it helps. i have 4 dogs. Rocky will bark, but only for a reason. i've never had a dog that barked for nothing, so i always respond. once my kitchen was on fire, once there was a bat in my sons room, but usually its because there's someone at the door or a wild cat in our trash.

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

Shave a couple of small spots so the shock collar will work. You can also buy longer probe. It won't take long for your dog to learn. You can remove the collar and only use it when your dog starts to bark again.

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

I have had to trim the hair on the neck. You shouldn't have to shave it.

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

put a tape on his mouth.. joke find out why he is barking... maybe he needs your attention....

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

I have the same problem with my lab. We use a bark collar. Also, the vet said it's probably out of boredom....

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

when he is inside, try to find out what is making him bark; dogs can see and hear things that we can't. if he is barking for no reason, take a small plastic container with a tight fitting lid and put some dry beans in it. when the dog barks for no reason toss the jar beside the dog (do NOT hit him with it!) and in a firm voice say NO!. you have to do it the moment he starts barking, not after he's done, otherwise he will not understand why you are doing it. after a few times the dog will figure out that when he barks he get beans tossed at him. as far when he is outside, he wants attention. he knows that if he keeps barking you will come out and give him attention by yelling at him. my advice is to let him bark. it is annoying, but if you do that consistently he will realize that barking will not bring about the desired effect. when he does stop barking go outside and praise him, as with the beans you need to do it immeadiately sot that he can correlate the praise and attention with him not barking. I hope this works for you.

My dog won't stop barking!?!?

Sounds like he may be trying to get your attention. Responding to his barking by yelling at him is giving him the attention he wants, dogs dont always care if attention is good or bad as long as they get it. Therefore your yelling is rewarding him for barking and over time you are teaching him that barking gets results so the bad behaviour continues or even escalates. Try ignoring the barking and then immediately praise him when he stops and regularly praise him when he's good/quiet at any time. I've read that reprimanding dogs when they bark can also work though as long as you continue to also encourage the good behaviours with praise/treats when he's quiet so that with positive reinforcement he learns an appropriate alternative to barking. Be consistent with training so he doesnt get confused. I don't agree with shock collars, I think they're cruel. The citronella and ultrasonic ones dont seem as bad though. There are also ultrasonic devices you can hang in your yard, triggered by the dog barking, they work like the collars using sound only the dog can hear but dont attach to the dog at all. You wouldnt need to shave his neck then. Distracting him with toys and treat balls when he's on his own may help also. Good luck!

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