Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dog has sunken in hip?

I have a 2 year small breed dog...About 2 months ago, she fell and was limping for quite a while on that leg....Now she has a sunken in hip, only it's on the other side...not the leg she was limping on...in that area, she has a circular patch of fur where her skin and hair appear different (doesn't look like ring worm though)...Her skin is very very dry and flaky and discolored a bit, almost as if the hair is getting ready to fall out...She doesn't seem to be in any pain on that side whatsoever....I am taking her to the vet later this week...Just wondering if anyone has any input as to what this could be...Thanks in advance.

Dog has sunken in hip?

is she laying down alot on that side? if so then she cuold have worn the hair off and as far as taking her in now if she broke the hip then they will have to rebreak it or do surgery to fix it....i use to work at a vet clinic so if you have any other questions let me know

Dog has sunken in hip?

Why did you wait so long to take her into a vet!! Two Months ago....you're lucky animal control wasn't called on your for abuse/neglect.

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