I know there's like a billion of these but i just wanna know if what i think is right.
My dog Lola is (we think) a rottie/border collie mix. We know she's a rottie cuz of her coloration and the way her hair is on her butt. Its wavy as it is in many rotties. and we think she might be a border collie because she's always really busy. she paces alot even though we walk her every night. so i was just wondering what you guys think. we love her not matter what but we're just curious.
side view
What is my dog a mix of?
a Min Pin and a Jack Russel terrier.I'm sorry in the pitcher she doesn't look that big.
What is my dog a mix of?
Rottie and Lab....just look at the coloring of the Rottie and check out his snoot....lab all the way!
What is my dog a mix of?
she looks a little more like a dobie than a rottie to me.
She's very pretty. She has such soulful eyes!
What is my dog a mix of?
How come she cant be an aussie shepard\doberman mix?
What is my dog a mix of?
I think she's a Min Pin x Aussie
What is my dog a mix of?
definatly see the rottie maybe can see border collie in the face but not alot if any? who knows. Mostly rott though
What is my dog a mix of?
It'sa a Rottwellier Manchester Terrier mix. The colors and how thin it is.
What is my dog a mix of?
pretty dog. definitely rottie (coloring; can't see her butt). the other part of the mix could be anything. be sure to walk her a lot and fast to burn off the energy. she'll be healthier for it and so will you.
What is my dog a mix of?
i think mayb shes mixed w/ rottie and a terrier
shes adorable!
What is my dog a mix of?
i think you are right about the mix
she sure is cute
What is my dog a mix of?
Was her tail docked or naturally stub? A tail can often help determine breed/s easier than colouring.
What about Manchester terrier mix? rather than rottie, she looks to small to be a rott, and that colouring is common in other breeds as well check out the Manchester Terrier..
Grr for some reason it wont let me post the link, it keeps giving an error message but lets me add more writing.. just go to wikipedia and search "Manchester Terrier"
What is my dog a mix of?
My first guess is a Rottweiler/Labrador mix. I can tell that because of his snout and coloration. Take him to the vet for a vets point of view. She'll have a more certain answer.
Best of luck!!!
What is my dog a mix of?
I've had several Aussies. She doesn't have the pants or feathers on her legs and the body shape isn't right either. Maybe part Doberman pincher. What ever she is she's lucky to have a family that loves her. Best of luck.
What is my dog a mix of?
rottie and pinscher.
What is my dog a mix of?
She is rottie, and if she has black spots on her tongue she has some Chow in her. See if she has any black spots on her tongue. If you still can't seem to find out what she is, go the the vet w/ her, or bring pictures of her to a pet store and ask. If she is really skinny, she could be part Wipit.
What is my dog a mix of?
she looks like she could be a Rottweiler and maybe some Doberman, that's my best guess! good luck
What is my dog a mix of?
Color could be Manchester terrier mix as well - seems like a better fit with what looks like her size - they come in 2 sizes but if someone thought she was a rottie could have docked the tail.
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