We have a bichon, which is a small dog. But it does cat-like things, like walking along the back of the sofa, curling itself around you neck when you sit down, and pulling your hair with it's teeth when it wakes you up in the morning. Our first bichon did not do "cat-like" stuff, but we and a friend of ours are on our second bichons and these dogs have cat traits. What is the answer?
Did they splice "Cat Genes" Into the Bichon dog breed?
No. That's typical small dog behaviour. One of my Dachshunds does the "curl behind the back" thing while driving. Not easy to deal with at 70 mph!
Did they splice "Cat Genes" Into the Bichon dog breed?
Bichon is an excellent example of cross breeding between dogs and feral cats.
Bedlington terrier is a successful cross between a dog and an old english sheep.
Did they splice "Cat Genes" Into the Bichon dog breed?
Haha, my family has 3 Papillons and they are also very cat-like- they chanse things with their paws, pounce, etc. Obviously, you can't actually have feline genes in a canine, but it sure seems like they do sometimes.
Did they splice "Cat Genes" Into the Bichon dog breed?
I am certain no splicing of cat genes into any dog has ever been done except perhaps by Dr Evil
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