Thursday, June 17, 2010

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

I have had my dog for a long time, but in the last few years she has started to bite a lot. I'm not abusing her. All I do is comb her hair or pet her. Why is she doing this?

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

Don't listen to these people who are telling you to yell at your dog or punish her. She might have developed arthritis or a bad back. This is especially likely since she is an older dog. You are probably touching a sensitive spot when you brush and pet her. Try only petting her on the head and neck, and see if she still bites you. Also, take her to the vet and see if she has arthritis or some other kind of problem.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

Take her to the vet and have her checked she may have a skin condition that causes her to hurt when you brush her.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

as she's biting your hand, cram your finger down her throat. works every time.

biting her back works too.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

she could have a rash or wound but if thats not the case then roll her over on her back and point @ her face and tell her no or hold the top of her nose and her bottom jaw closed and hold it there for about a minute ir 2

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

Nipping without drawing blood is a form of showing you that she dislikes what you are doing to her. Many owners do not know how to comb a dog especially when they have long and/or matted hair. Do short strokes going up and from the pets body. Avoid long strokes. Constantly praise her or give treats.

Bring her to a groomer and watch how they work. You will learn a lot. Good luck

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?


Joking. Talk to a vet or something or abandon the mutt [again joking.]

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

bite her back or firmly say no and hold her mouth shut when she tries to bite. or u could do that other thing and Slap Her

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

yah thats what my dog does when we cut his nails so we go to petsmart and he lets them cut them, good ur not abusing her, but get her toys or sometin to keep her form bittng i mean its hard to untrain them to not bite its not their fault tough, my dog spike has mood swings sometimes and hes happy and then next thing u know he is playing and chewing on ur fingers it hurts but as long as hes having fun, thats how much we love him!

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

The way to make your dog stop biting you is to take him to an instructor. Don't try that spray bottle thing it doesn't work at all.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

I had the same problem with my dog especially while grooming her.

It turned out she had a problem with her 'dew claw.'

My suggestion is discuss this with your vet as your dog may have sensitive area which may need medical attention.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

I have had this experience with my old dog, Blue. He was fine and never nipped at anyone and you could even push him across the floor and he wouldn't budge. But now he is very grumpy, and I think it has to do with age too. He will do a kind of snarl or growl if we do something he doesn't like. He gets more protective of his territory.

My dog bites me all the time. How do I make her stop?

Yeah I have to agree with they guy who told you not to listen to anyone else. Chances are if she has never done it before it's not a behavioral problem. I would go to your vet because it is quite obvious that she is very sensitive in that spot. She could have anything to a skin condition to an abscess or possibly a tumor. Please take her in soon. If it is an abscess all I have to say is eeewww....I've had to drain so many and every time it grosses me out. Take her in get her better.

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