Thursday, June 17, 2010

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

I have a maltese dog who is three. She is adorable and perfect in every way except barking. My Mom is a hair away from giving her away. We've tried the muzzle, the spray, the crate, and picking her up to yell at her. Please help me. Any suggestions appreciated!! Thanks!

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

It is never too late to take your dog to a dog training class!

But try these: (keep in mind that your dog barks for a reason and you can say "yes, there is a strange car out front, or a school bus across the street....then say "no more!")

1. fill a soda pop can with 13 pennies (that is your dogs unlucky number!) Then every time your dog does not stop barking when you command them to stop, shake the can and say "quiet!" or "no more barking!" YOU have to be firm, but calm-mean what you say!

2. You can spray your dog every time she does not stop barking.

3. The one that worked for my dog is this one. Every time your dog barks after the warning, get in their face-holding their collar if necessary (but never grab them by the collar. Hold their head if they want to run from you) to make them look at you and say "no!" or whatever reprimand you are comfortable with. You have to be committed to doing it every single time they do this unwanted behavior and be consistent! It took me three days to train my dog this way and I put up with it for 4 years prior to that! Peaceful house now!

REMEMBER to praise your dog when they do stop barking!

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

You can get shock collars at Petsmart, but I would be very wary of using one on a toy dog. Why don't you give a local trainer a call and see what can be done?

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

Shock collars burn the dogs neck. Please do not use a shock collar. See a dog trainer.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

First of all, the yelling is extremely counterproductive. Your dog hears your yelling as barking, which only encourages her to bark more. Stop yelling, and stop giving her attention when she barks. That's probably why she's doing it; she has learned that barking is a surefire way to get your attention. It's also possible she's barking because she thinks she's the alpha and needs to 'drive away' anything that seems to be impinging on 'the pack's territory'.

It sounds to me like a behavior class is in order. But this is a very handleable situation. There is no reason at all to give the dog away.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

I had this problem with a dog we had once. A trainer told us to fill an empty soda can with pennies and tape the top up. When the dog starts barking, throw the can near her, not at her, to startle her. It worked well for us. She finally realized if she barked that crazy noise happened and frightened her. Good luck!

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

tell your dog to say enough, quit it, anything but the word no because no gives a negative message to the dog

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

try to teach a quiet command. interrupt the barking with a loud noise (or other aversive) and when she stops barking to investigate, praise and say "quiet". do this each time she barks and each time, wait a little longer (1 second, then 2, etc.) before praising and rewarding her. then, put her on a variable reinforcement schedule (sometimes she gets a treat, sometimes not) so that she never knows when to expect that reward.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

What does the dog bark at? That's very important. Is she barking at something that could seem scary to a dog? If so, she needs to be desensitized to it by being exposed to it in a safe environment. If she barks at everyday things or barks to get your attention, don't give her attention until she stops. Even yelling or pushing it away can be rewarding to a dog.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

i have the same problem with my 2 dogs

i have given up on trying to make them stop, they have wills of their own so no matter what i do they wont

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?


Barking can be an extremely frustrating behavior that our dogs exhibit. It can also get you in some hot water with your neighbors if your dog is constantly barking. In this article you'll learn some quick and easy ways to stop your dog from barking.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need

Breath Spray


Citronella Collar


1Step OneTeaching your dog the word quiet has to be done with a consequence. If your dog is barking and you say, "Quiet," but don't follow it up with a consequence your dog will keep barking.

2Step TwoUse breath spray. When your dog barks say, "Quiet," in a firm voice and then immediately give your dog a quick squirt of breath spray in your dog's mouth. Most dogs do not like the taste, smell or sound of the breath spray. Your dog will associate the word "Quiet" with the negative consequence of the breath spray. Done repeatedly your dog will learn the word "Quiet."

3Step ThreeWhen you can say, "Quiet," and your dog stops barking without you spraying your dog, you can start to reward your dog. If your dog starts barking and you say, "Quiet," and your dog stops, quickly say, "Good quiet," and give your dog a treat. Your dog now understands the command "quiet".

4Step FourAnother effective way to stop your dog from barking is a citronella collar. It is a very gentle way to prevent barking without using electronics or harsh methods.

Tips %26amp; Warnings

A great time to teach your dog to stop barking is when someone is coming to visit. Most dogs bark when someone knocks on the door.

Have your friends and family help.

Reward your dog when they stop barking on command.

Don't train when you are angry, tired or frustrated.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

Sure, there are loads of things you can try! Put your dog on a leash and get someone to knock on the door or approach your son. When he goes to bark tug on the leash and say SHHHH. Make him sit and be quiet. Do this EVERY time and he'll start to get the message. The other option is to have a spray bottle of water. When he barks say "No bark!!" and give him a quick spray. Eventually he'll learn what "no bark" means. Don't spray him when he's right near your son though, you want him to continue to love Jayden! Loads of pats and treats when Jayden is around.

You could also look into getting a remote control thingie that emits a high frequency signal dogs don't like (one is called the "Dazer"). You give it a quick burst when you say NO and he'll learn what no means. Some people shake a can with marbles when they say NO.

Sounds like a lovely dog, but I know how annoying the barking can get! Our two rescues are very protective of us and used to bark when anyone came near us.



How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

when your dog barks, tell her thank you and pet her. she is letting you know she hears something outside and is doing her job, maltese dogs [as well as others breeds] believe it is their job to protect you and the home. i always praise her for doing her job, she then understands that i am aware of what she hears and she will get used to stopping the barking when she gets her praise. do not punish her when she barks, the praise will cure the barking...

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?


walk her daily, for at least 45 minutes.

master the walk, and drain her energy with walks,

take obedience classes, so you will understand her needs and how to handle her.

walking is essential in allowing her to drain her frustrations and aggressions.

sometimes barking is a way for dogs to do this, if they have no outlets. she may also be insecure, and nervous. exercising her will help this, and giving her rules, boundaries and limitations. all things dogs needs, along with exercise, discipline and affection, given in that order.

visit cesar milan's website for more help.

I highly suggest obedience classes and exercise. It sometimes makes all the difference.

if you are going to have a dog, please understand they need attention, and understanding, and your world will be a happier place... trust me!

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

What is the dog barking at? Family in the house, noises she hears outside, other pets in the household? You need to give a little more detail about what gets her going. I agree with not trying the shock collar, especially on a toy breed. One remedy you might want to try is to put the dog on a leash "full-time" to train her while someone is home. Tie the dog to you, make her go everywhere you go. When she starts to bark give her a sharp "NO BARK!" and snap back on the leash getting her attention. If she stops barking tell her she is a "good girl" give her a small treat, some praising by petting or playing. If she does not stop repeat "NO BARK!" and snap back on the leash. Eventually she will get the idea. But when she does what you want and she stops you need to be sure that you make it worth her while, get down on the floor and play with her, rub her belly, treats, whatever it is she likes. I prefer the playing or petting over food, she might just learn that barking gets her her favorite snack. Also seek out a trainer for some tips, good luck.

How do I get my dog to stop barking!?

My dog used to bark. Instead of a crate try a dog pen. They have more room to run and play. Hopes it helps =]

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