Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pregnant dog?

Hi, I am fostering a dog for a rescue group and after we rescued her we found out she was pregnant. She is a sheltie and has long hair, so until she rolled over, we didn't see her tummy. I think she is ready to give birth anytime. I can feel the puppies moving and she has milk for the last 3 days at least. Her temp has been around 99.7 for the last 2 days. Any advise would be appreciated!

Pregnant dog?

I am too. Mine were born easter sunday. Someone in the rescue will be able to help you. I don't want to scare you but the big probelm you may have with rescueing her is that something else besides a sheltie got her pregnant. Which may explain why she is in rescue. The puppies may be too big for her.

Be sure you have the rescues vets phone number and you know how to get there in case there is a problem. Have some puppy milk and bottles on standby just in case. If you don't use it you can use it when weining the pups (or the next momma dog you save)

In all honest mommas usually do it all themselves in a nice quiet private crate. While momma is in labor I usually make sure there is a bowl of water close by to hand her. It is LABOR and all of mine are rescues and I try to just be there if they need me. They like snacks of cheese too. I pet their faces and promise them it will never happen again!! I get momma and babies spayed and neutered at 6-8 weeks depending on their size.

Have fun. It will get messy so don't use anything you think you can wash it will have to go in the trash. I also get cheap plastic table cloths to lay on the floor when weining and when mom stops cleaning up after them. I hope you continue to rescue those momma dogs with me.

Pregnant dog?

Hey how is it going? Report It

Pregnant dog?

If you haven't done it already, fix her a box big enough to be comfortable in. Line it with several old, clean towels. Show her the box, set her in it and tell her this is the place to have her babies. If she doesn't get into it by herself when she goes into labor, move her there. If she is off her food it will be very soon. It should be anytime now. Be patient.

Pregnant dog?

My dog had pups on saturday. the temp def drops to 98. my dog was 99 before she droped, i thought they were coming every day for a week. make sure she has a safe place to have them. Mine had 6 boys!! all healthy but then last night one died, i think the mum accidently squashed it... so please be careful of that!! it was soo sad!

Before they have them they get very uncomfortable and discharge comes, then a few minutes before they start the licking, the mum dog will know what to do, but when the 6th pup came out my dog didnt even know she was too bust cleaning up the other pups so we has to clear his mouth.

Pregnant dog?

Take her to the vet ASAP and have them check to see when she might be due and also, have them explain everything you need to do. I have 2 young Shelties myself.

Pregnant dog?

Take her to the vet ASAP... GOOD LUCK

Pregnant dog?

Find a place in your house that is quiet and away from all the traffic going in and out. Try a laundry room if you have one. My dog's mother had her litter in my bedroom while I was sleeping and my dog had her puppies in our laudry room/ bathroom in the shower. Just put some old blankets or towels where you want her to have the puppies and she will more than likely have them there. Any other questions let me know! My email is littlehicktown21@yahoo

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