My 12 yr old male shep/rott mix is itchy and after a bath I noticed he has black stuff coming out of his pores. His hair sharft is covered in it and it is smeared on the surrounding skin and hair. Does anyone know what this is or where I can get some information?
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
It sounds like your dog has a very serious infection in his stomach and or respiratory tract. This can be caused by having a stomach full of insects or can be caused from internal parasites. The only safe and correct advice I can give you is to get your beardie to a vet that is able to treat reptiles ASAP.
But thats if it smells bad. Is it also kinda clear?
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
go 2 the vet!!!!
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
flacky or liquid?? if its flacky black stuff its flea dirt(feces) and your dog needs some flea medicine. If its liquid you need to go to vet
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
yuck! take him to the vet and you should be arrested for having your dog nasty like that! gross!
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
OMG, never heard of such a thing, to the vet ASAP !!
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
This just like the brown guck that comes out of a chihuahuas eyes or any other small dogs eyes buts in the head thats a little weard or this can eather be flea eggs i would take the dog to the vet or to save money just look it up on the internet it may be flea eggs and that is a site on ichy dogs take a look!! welcom
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
Your dog probably has mange, and it will get worse with time. He could lose his hair.
Get some sulfer shampoo and some sulfer powder and use it regularly.
Also, change his diet, ask your vet what kind of diet he should be on, because this is also an auto-immune disease and his diet has alot to do with it.
IVD is a really good diet for dogs with skin problems, allergies, or other problems, but it is a prescription diet and can only be gotten from a vet, and it's expensive. My dog is on IVD because he has allergies.
Use the sulfer and talk to a vet.
My dog seems to be excreting black gunk from his pores.?
sounds like fleas. If he has a bad infestation the flea poo is black stuff- (from the dog blood that they eat!) and itchy. Give him a good flea bath, treat your house, and put a flea collar on him. If that isn't it, take him to the vet~
Most likely just blackheads. Some dogs have naturally oily skin. U can talk to your vet about a shampoo appropriate for a oily skin dog. But as long as they are not infected. It’s usually fine. Hope this helps :)