Sunday, June 20, 2010

Any suggestions of Dog Food for dog with Yeast Infection?

My 18lb, 4 year old, Lhaso Apso mix gets external yeast infection. Oily hair, itches, foul odor, belly and arm pits are almost black. He has received meds in past and shots, I don't want to keep going that way, danger to liver eventually. I've researched what to be sure ISN'T in foods, but does anyone have suggestions of brands that don't use by-products, brewer's rice, cereals, sugar in the ingredients. I will ask the vet but wanted to get started right away on the diet switch.

Any suggestions of Dog Food for dog with Yeast Infection?

If you belive your dog has food allergies and they are that severe I would recommend trying a forumla from California Natural that uses a unique protin and grain source as well such as herring and sweet potato or venison and brown rice. They also don't contain any of the ingredinats you listed.

Here is there site

If that doesn't stop it is is probalby not a food allergy if it does you can add things back in one at a time to pinpoint the problem. Good Luck.

Any suggestions of Dog Food for dog with Yeast Infection?

I use Life's Abundance from Trilogy. It is a mail order food sent to your home. It is the best and freshest on the market. I would not use any other products. They have a whole line for cats and dogs and humans. It is very convenient for me also. My furbabies love it too!

Any suggestions of Dog Food for dog with Yeast Infection?

The major cause of yeast infection in dogs is Corn and Corn by-products!

I recommend you read food labels and get her on a food that has meat or meat meal listed as at least the first four ingredients, and has no corn or wheat products.

Canidae is my food of choice, check it out.

Any suggestions of Dog Food for dog with Yeast Infection?

give your dog some yogurt! you can even rub it on the skin.

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