It is IMPOSSIBLE to dry my hair or vaccuum. My 9 month old akita/husky/lab mix will bark uncontrollably and try to attack the hair dryer, and or vaccuum. There is no way of even trying to say no. He also will not let me sweep or mop, he chases them and bites onto them. What is his reasoning behind this ? ?
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
Here's something you could try. Get someone to walk by you and your dog with the bathroom/hair dryer on. If your dog starts barking, block the vacuum out of view using your legs while still restraining your dog. Do this a few times until your dog starts understanding/ignoring it. Give your dog a treat and praise. If not, every time you turn on the vacuum, distract your dog by giving him a treat and petting him. This will condition him into thinking "Vacuum=treat=good thing" Try this a few times- It's guaranteed to work. Note: Some dogs may take longer to teach than others. Also, break the treats into very small pieces so you can give him treats continually, but not too many.
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
He's been conditioned.
He barks; you turn off the machine, or at least you give him attention.
It's difficult, but if you just carrying on your task, ignoring the barking, eventually he will recognize that you are not giving him the attention that he is accustomed to. When he stops barking...give him a treat and tons of praise.
The reasoning is simple...his actions = attention, although the attention may not be positive.
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
most dogs do this. lock him in the bathroom, other room, etc.
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
when i use the vaccuum my dog barks at it and if i bring it close to him he runs away. i guess you will have to put him in another room when you want to clean up.
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
I've seen this behavior with my dogs (Border Collies) also. It seems to me that there is an electrical connection that sets the dogs off... as if there's a noise that they can hear and we can't. Several of my dogs respond similarly with lawn mowers, just drives them crazy. Good luck!!
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
give him a wak with them and tell him no repeat several times ifyou have to.its the noise of them remember a dog has sensitive hearing
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
lol it is obvious that he wants attention and Want to play so give him some play time, Geez he's still a pup give him the time and love. Also train him while hes young tell him NO in a commanding voice you can find web pages that will give you other tips. He has to know this stuff because if he's trying to attack a dryer that can be dangerous also when mopping IF you use bleach and other chemicals, Watch out!
Hoped I helped good luck
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
This is a kind of a behavioral problem. There is a way of telling him no. You need to show that dog that you are the boss. You can do this in a non-aggressive way. When there is a pack of dogs and one misbehaves the leader of the pack would pin that dog down. My advice to you is the next time he acts up when doing any of those things firmly grab the back of his neck until he surrenders but remember not to do it in an aggressive way. Take a calm assertive approach so that the dog becomes calm and submissive. You tell him no anyway and he will eventually see you as the leader and will not continue this behavior anymore.
My dog goez crazy with vaccuums and hairdryers ! !?
Welcome to the world. My Yorkie goes crazy too. I shut her up in the bathroom when I vacuum or in my bedroom when I use my dryer in the bathroom. There is no cure. Sorry.
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